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JavaScript Data Types - Primitive and Non-Primitive

JavaScript Data types are used to specify the 'type' of value stored by a variable like integer, character,etc..

Types of DataTypes in JavaScript

There are two types of Data Types in JavaScript:

  1. Primitive data type
  2. Non-Primitive data type

JavaScript is a dynamic language, i.e. there is no need to specify the 'type' of the variable because it is dynamically(automatically) used by JavaScript engine. You just need to use var to specify the data type. It can hold any type of values such as numbers, strings, boolean, etc.


var a = 40; //hold Numaric values
var b = "Rahul"; //hold string

JavaScript Primitive Data Types

JavaScript Primitive data types can hold only one value at a time.

There are 3 types of primitive data types in JavaScript:

Data Type Description
Number Represents numeric values e.g. 10.
String represents sequence of characters e.g. "Hello".
Boolean Represents boolean value either True or False.

JavaScript Number Data Type

JavaScript number data type is used to represent positive or negative numbers with or without decimal place.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Number DataType </title>
// Creating variables
var a = 25;
var b = 75.5;
var c = 4.25e+6;
var d = 4.25e-6;
// Printing variable values
document.write(a + "<br>");
document.write(b + "<br>");
document.write(c + "<br>");


JavaScript Number DataType

The Number data type also includes some special values which are: Infinity, -Infinity and NaN(Not a number). Infinity represents the mathematical Infinity , which is greater than any number. Infinity is the result of dividing a nonzero number by 0, as demonstrated below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Infinity & NAN Number DataType </title>
document.write("Some text" / 2);
document.write("Some text" / 2 + 10);


JavaScript Infinity & NAN Number DataType

JavaScript String Data Type

The String data type can hold multiples characters in a sequence like "Ansh", "Roger".

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript String DataType </title>
document.write( "CSS " + 3 + "<br>");
document.write( "HTML " + 5 + "<br>");
document.write( "Bootstrap " + 4 + "<br>");


JavaScript String DataType Example

Note : When adding a number and a string, JavaScript will always treat the number as a string.

JavaScript Boolean Data Type

JavaScript Boolean data type can hold only two values: true or false. It is typically used to store values like yes (true) or no (false), on (true) or off (false), etc.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Boolean DataType </title>
// Creating variables
var isPlaying = true; // Yes, I'm Playing
var isEating = false; // No, I'm not Eating
// Printing variable values
document.write(isPlaying + "<br>");


JavaScript Boolean DataType

Boolean values also come as a result of comparisons in a program. The following example compares two variables and shows the result in an alert dialog box.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Compare Boolean DataType </title>
var a = 5, b = 10, c = 15;
document.write(b > a) // Output: True
document.write(b > c) // Output: False


JavaScript Compare Boolean DataType

JavaScript Non-Primitive Data Types

Non-Primitive data types are as follows:

Datatypes Description
Object It is an instance through which we can access members.
Array Collection of Homogenious Elements.
RegExp Represents regular expression
Function Block of code.

JavaScript Object Data Type

The object is a complex data type that allows you to store collections of data. An object contains properties, defined as a key-value pair. A property key (name) is always an identifier, but the value can be of any data type, like strings, numbers, booleans, or complex data types like arrays, function and other objects.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Object Datatype </title>
var greet = "Hello JavaScript"
// Print variable value in browser's console


JavaScript Object Datatype

JavaScript Array Data Type

An array is a collection of multiple values in single a variable. Each value (also called an element) has a numeric position, known as its index, and it may contain data of any data type. The array index starts from 0, so that the first array element is arr[0] not arr[1].

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Array Datatype </title>
// Creating arrays
var Laptops = ["Dell", "HP", "Microsoft Surface", "Xiaomi"];
var Smartphone = ["OnePlus", "Samsug", "Google Pixel"];
// Printing array values
document.write(Laptops[0] + "<br>"); // Output: Dell
document.write(Smartphone[2]); // Output: New Google Pixel


JavaScript Array Datatype

Special Data Types

Datatypes Description
Undefined Represents undefined value.
Null Represents null i.e. no value at all.

JavaScript Undefined Data Type

If a variable has been declared, but has not been assigned a value, has the value undefined.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Undefined Datatype </title>
// Creating variables
var a;
var b = "Hello JavaScript!"
// Printing variable values
document.write(a + "<br>");


JavaScript Undefined Datatype

JavaScript Null Data Type

This is another special data type that can have only one value-the null value. A null value means that there is no value. It is not equivalent to an empty string ("") or 0, it is simply 'null' nothing.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title> JavaScript Null Datatype </title>
var a = null;
document.write(a + "<br>"); // Print: null
var b = "Hello World!"
document.write(b + "<br>"); // Print: Hello World!
b = null;
document.write(b) // Print: null


JavaScript Null Datatype Example

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