WordPress General Setting

These settings are imortant and you should set these according to your needs before doing anything on your website. Although these settings are simple but are important. Look below to know how to open these settings.

Step 1 : − Click on SettingsGeneral option in WordPress.

Wordpress General Setting

Step 2 : − The General Setting page is displayed as shown in the following snapshot.

Wordpress General Setting

Following are the details of the fields on General settings.

Fields Description
Site Title It displays the specified name of the site. You can change it also if you want.
Tagline Write a short description of your site.
WordPress Address (URL) Write URL of WordPress directory where your all core application files are present.
Site Address(URL) Enter your website's URL, it would be different if your website is in a subfolder of your root directory.
E-mail Address Enter the e-mail address where you will get notifications about new users, updates, e tc.
Membership Anyone can register an account on your site after you check this checkbox.
New User Default Role Set the default role for a newly registered user.
Timezone Set the time zone based on the particular city/country.
Date Format Set the date format you need to work according to
Time Format Set the time format you want.
Week Starts On Select the week day which you prefer to start for WordPress calendar. By default it is set as Monday.

Step 3 : − To save all the changes you have made, click on Save Changes button. It saves all your general setting information.

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